
Jordan Parliament Takes Side with Iranian Resistance

Jordan Parliament

Jordan Parliament

By: Keyvan

Seventy seven Members of the 17th Jordanian Parliament, establishing a majority of this council, signed a joint statement expressing their fret on Iran’s meddling in the region and calling for guaranteed safety and security for Camp Liberty residents in Baghdad until their ultimate departure from Iraq.

Some 2000 members of the Peoples’ Mojahedin, Iran’s main dissidents, are now residing at Camp Liberty, a former US base, just off Baghdad International Airport. Four years ago, based on the agreement of the United Nations and the U.S. government with the Iraqi government, the residents abandoned their former home, Camp Ashraf, and settled in Camp Liberty.

Members of the Jordanian Parliament renounced Iran misconducts in the region adding:“Iran’s meddling in Iraq continues and Camp Liberty, home to refugee members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) in Baghdad, was targeted in a massive missile attack on 29 October 2015 leaving 24 dead, and large scale destruction across the camp. Tehran’s main crackdown effort is focused on this organization. Iran considers the PMOI/MEK its main enemy due to its widespread popular support and loyalty to a tolerant and pacifist Islam. This is exactly why Tehran loses no opportunity in its crackdown against its members and supporters. The oppressions of ethnic minorities, including the Kurds, Baluchis and Arabs in Iran have intensified parallel to inhumane discrimination against the Sunni community”.

The Jordan parliamentary statement describes the West concessions made in Iran deal process in vain: “Despite all the assurances by the United Nations and US government that Camp Liberty would be a safe and secure transitory home for its residents the camp, in the last four years, has gone through four deadly missile attacks perpetrated by Iranian regime’s mercenaries in Iraq. Residents have also been complaining about misconducts by the Iraqi army officers who control the camp. These officers were put to mission there when Nouri Maliki was in office but still are maintaining their job.”

The statement by members of the Jordanian Parliament refers to any prospect of change in Iran’s conducts towards its Arab neighbors and the world as illusive and absurd where it adds: “Despite all concessions made to the Ayatollahs by the P5+1, this regime is reluctant to forgo its tenor for terrorism as well as nuclear weapons which it needs to impose its fundamentalist hegemony over the region. The signatories of the statement add, “In contrast to many expectations of Iran engaging in a path of moderation following the nuclear agreement, the trend of executions, oppression, export of fundamentalism and terrorism by the rulers of Iran has only intensified. During this period, Iran’s meddling in the region, especially in Syria, has gained unprecedented proportions as 60,000 Iranian Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) members and their proxies are busy massacring the Syrian people as we speak. In addition to the IRGC, Iran’s regular army in early April announced the deployment of its commando division to Syria. The main portion of the funds released due to the Iran sanctions reliefs have been allocated to purchase weapons for IRGC and/or regular army from Russia and other sources.”

Finally the members of the Jordanian Parliament reiterated their strong loyal stance on Iranian resistance where they called on international bodies like ““Arab and Islamic governments, the United Nations, the UN Security Council, the United States and European Union” for their final demands including:  “guaranteeing safety and security of Liberty residents until their ultimate departure from Iraq” and  “supporting the Iranian Resistance and its President-elect, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, being the sole response in the face of the mullahs’ dictatorship in Iran as the center of Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism in today’s world.

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