
Vote for Non-nuclear and Democratic Iran

Vote for Non-nuclear and Democratic Iran

Vote for Non-nuclear and Democratic Iran

by :Heshmat Alavi

Hangings, a much hated method of killing criminals and drug addicts, has been increasingly set aside by the civilized world. However, one car hardly deny this reality that executing a human being by other means is in any way considered civilized.

The killing machine in Iran has been working overtime these days at a much higher pace, aimed at robbing more and more people of their lives. State-run news agencies announce that most of these executions are carried out against drug addicts, which in itself is gruesome and unacceptable. However, the truth is that Tehran is using the tactic of hanging people in public as a pretext to fight against social corruption while annihilating its political dissidents. For example, six Iranian Kurds dissidents were hanged in one day.

While Iran is pursuing its nuclear weapons ambitions for widespread destruction it is also clinging hard to its old methods of crackdown and killings. Barbarity is portrayed as a tribute and holy measure by the ayatollahs, and even the most naïve individual can forecast the consequences of such viciousness and extremism– disguised under the veneer of religion – being armed with nuclear weapons.

The gallows were extremely busy in the past few months, too busy even for Iran and its ayatollahs. The number of dead bodies have risen in shocking numbers. The National Council of Resistance of Iran, an Iranian opposition group based in Iran, reported 115 executions in the span of just two weeks. Some of these prisoners were hanged in public using cranes to pull their bodies meters into the air. To increase the shock effect, there are even times when 5 people are hanged simultaneously using one crane with a horizontal beam.

Iran is listed by the United Nations as amongst the top ten human rights violating states. The number of people on death row in Iran has become utterly unimaginable. This is a sheer insult to humane dignity and international laws.

The UN registered 582 executions during the span of 12 months ending in June 2014. From the beginning of 2015 alone 340 prisoners have been sent to the gallows, including seven women and six political prisoners. Human Rights Watch reported the official statistics may be even much higher. According to the UN only a few have been murdered for major offenses, such as murder, while the remaining were killed for drug-related charges. Such offences are rarely dealt with through capital punishment anywhere else in the world.

Iran’s politicians are the symbols of inhumane behavior and showing no mercy. These are the same individuals that US President Barack Obama and other Western leaders are negotiating with on Iran’s controversial nuclear program. US Secretary of State John Kerry has made it clear that nuclear weapons and human rights will not be discussed during the current talks. This is unfortunate because these two subjects are undeniably linked. Savagery and viciousness are two characteristics of this regime shown in its relations with the outside world. How can Mr. Kerry expect the mullahs respect a wide-ranging agreement on nuclear weapons, while they have shown no respect at all for human lives?

Each year in June Iranian exiles from across the globe gather in Paris for a show of force for the Iranian opposition. Thousands of prominent international political, religious and human rights figures, along with MPs and senior officials from various countries will also take part in this rally. Last year over 100,000 Iranians were listening to a speech delivered by Iranian opposition leader Maryam Rajavi, a charismatic Muslim woman. Rajavi depicts a democratic image against Islamic extremism, and a pacifist portrait of Islam that believes in the separation of church and state. She has also gained significant support and popularity amongst European, American, Middle East, Asian and African politicians. Many believe she has a real solution to end the extremism and violence provoked by Iran and its ayatollahs. This year’s rally is being held in Paris on June 13 and there is an ongoing widespread campaign on Twitter and other social media websites. Those taking part in this gathering are seeking a solution to establish peace and security in the world to end this regime’s nuclear drive, arms race and terrorism. I am anxious to hear what they have to say.

Heshmat Alavi

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